About Me

Hello, my name is Laura.  I am a homebody with a gypsy spirit, hence my inclination toward the phrase "stay at home gypsy".  I have been doing art for as long as I can remember, it is in my blood.  My story in brevity: I boldly went away to college in Northern California to be a biology major - oh brave, 18 year old, dreamer... 1 ½ years into my education, as much as I was trying desperately to move forward, I was blindly pushing against something that ultimately left me feeling empty, stuck, and confused to the core.  I took a year off, came home to Washington State, did some major soul-searching, and discovered that art is too much a part of ME to not be what I do for a living.  So, college “take two”! I returned, this time to Iowa of all places, and majored in Studio Art, my passion, from Cornell College in 2002.  Soon enough, again, life got in the way, as it is wont to do, and time passed; I didn’t even pick up a pencil to draw, for years.  But I am back, I am healed, and I am ready to take on my dream again of doing art daily.

I currently live with my brother and his wife in their first house in Tacoma, WA.  I live to create and love working with paper, fabrics, acrylics, watercolor, paper-clay, pencil, ink, stamps, photos, or found objects.

I started this blog to have a place to showcase some of the creative things I like to do.  When people ask me as an artist "what kind of art do you do?" I often have trouble putting into words exactly what I do.  I have always possessed the need and desire to live artistically; be it in the way I dress, decorate a room, or create art.  I taught myself to sew at an early age and often find myself refashioning or creating my own wardrobe.  I also love to decorate for a party and would love to some day work this into my daily life.  I am currently teaching myself to cook and bake and to be a better photographer...  

No matter what, I am always looking for ways to make something uniquely "mine".  So this is sort of my online portfolio, if you will, of projects I have done and pictures I find inspiring.  

Most importantly, welcome to my blog.  I hope it sparks some sort of artistic inspiration or desire to be creative everyday!


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